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Dave Del monte and the deep river boys 


Dave Del monte and the deep river boys 

Werewolf scarewolf and Friendly undertaker  

Released October 2024 

Review 11 October 2024 by Vince Rocker Eavis 

Well, hello there spooky kats...a double sided single...double the trick or treat. Recorded in his home studio, He’s back, that is Dave Del Monte, ready for Halloween with his double whammy bringing you his no need to worry way of being taken away, as the undertaker is friendly and so is the werewolf scarewolf...or maybe not so friendly...or maybe not to scary. let’s hope it is. whahahoooowwwlllll !!! Sorry the wolf in me came out...who needs the full moon,  

Yet again after the success of instruMENTALling of GRANADA BOP, produced and recorded at his amazing own studio, this talented wizard has done it again with this calmly creeping and curdling double single with the input of his own Mrs monster...I mean Mrs Wendy del Monte. 

Being stocked about digging for the undertaker, his new singles werewolf scarewolf was actually recorded in May 2024 and Friendly Undertaker in August 2024. Werewolf scarewolf, written fully by himself and the friendly undertaker much of his work again, being an updated version of the ’1965 hillbilly bopper by Jim Nesbitt...are all performances of sound arrangements and instruments produced by Del monte once again...that being the guitar, vocals, slappin bass and pounding drums. With the production, mixing, MASTERing magically produced by Mr and Mrs del Monte. Wow what a couple, move over munsters...I say that in a honoured manner as so much adoration for the original spooktastic couple. How much more we going to get from him and his good lady. 

“Werewolf scarewolf will also be featured on a missing funk record compilation” “Wolfmans howling hootenany" The Dracula fangs are out, and the wolf hair grows on my paw claws, to be able to sink teeth into that, hopefully another album for us at Slap that Bass. 

Well devilishly done Dave, Keep up the fangtastic work... 

Well I thinks it’s time we hooowwwllled at a scarey wolf. 

Friendly Undertaker 

As we know a take on the 1965 Bopper by Jim Nesbitt. Startin off we have a dual takin of guitar scale riff and the paced rhythm of the drum, with the slapping echo bass in perfect harmony and straight into the vocals. happy and haunting working together in a dead good manor. the guitar on mid-scale with frequent breaks and bridges, the drums at compliment the body of sound at fantastic pace with the bass carrying the whole shebang and Dave’s vocals on lower tone including little higher pitch endings to the lines and a carpella breaks standing. out lines where we have the closed off hi hat sound making a striking statement to the record. the guitar works on this given its deviant devils hand touch of its maker, the devil couldn’t play the fiddle as well with his unique different breaks,foot tapping all the way round the grave and on the hearse.... 

Done a gruelling job of this and heightened its sound for me,he’s brought it back to life.... 

And we thought it was buried... 

Werewolf  Scarewolf   

hooowwwlll.its aliiiivvvee and the sound is like chuck berry is back. Lightning guitar intro, few bars Rockin blues, sharp drum beat at the end of the intro with a twang of bass, bringing this undying rocking record straight into its place. A bit of a take on drinking wine in there mixed in the sound of the whole record to begin with. Stompin boppin drum patter beat lively wolf prowling vocals, a bit Screaming Lord Sutch in the mix.     

The slapping bass on perfect key for a true mid 50s billy bopper, emphasised slap on bars workin perfect collaboration with the double tapping drum, the brilliant effect of Gallop and Berry on the strings, Vocals description and sounds of the werewolf like he’s alive and front of you...bringing an essence and spirit of Screaming Jay Hawkins, with Lord Sutch, meeting the rockabilly and surf on certain bars. Wowzah!!! And to top it off even more, the vocal movement of an high pitch howling lyrics and a couple of what you would expect fully Expect , werewolf hoooowwwls....I cant stop boppin even sitting in my crypt, 


It has all the elements of true fine home grown rockabilly roots great with added extra magic points of effects and authenticity , Rockabilly even western side of rockabilly clubs anD venue DJs will I think be jumpin on this fang- tastic  number an play the hell outta it, boppin you till after you drop. 

I’ve already played 1 track on the air,  can’t wait for next 1 and will be on at my venues 





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